Directions: Complete the crossword puzzle by filling in the word that fits each clue. You can use the word bank provided below the box
ACROSS 1 The portion of the flower that contain the ovules 5 The stalk of the flower 7 The male portion of a flower 8 The portion of the flower used to visually attract insects 10 Flowers that have both male and female parts 12 A threadlike structure that holds up the anther 13 A tube like structure that holds up the stigma 14 The female portion of a flower
DOWN 1 When fertilized this becomes the seed 2 The portion of the flower in which the parts are attached 3 When the ovary becomes fertilized it will grow into this structure 4 Flowering Plants 6 Flowers with only all-male parts or all female parts 9 Where pollen germinates 11 The portion of the flower that where pollen is produced. imperfect ovary
Word Bank angiosperms ovule stigma anther filament peduncle perfect petals stamen pis til style receptacle fruit