
It is a piece of legislation used to create policy to carry out the principles of the Constitution

Sagot :

A republic act (RA), as defined by the Official Gazette of the Philippines, is a “piece of legislation used to create policy in order to carry out the principles of the Constitution.”

A republic act starts as a proposal from Congress, composed of the Senate (Upper Chamber) and the House of Representatives (Lower Chamber). This legislative proposal can come from lawmakers, groups, and even individuals. During the initial lawmaking process, the stakeholders and the legislative staff work hand-in-hand to craft the bill.

The crafted bill will be introduced by the legislator and assigned to a committee. This is called the first reading. After deliberations, the committee can either approve or junk the bill.

If approved, the bill will reach the plenary, where its principal sponsor will answer questions from lawmakers and consider proposed amendments. This is part of the bill’s second reading, where deliberations and debates happen.

After voting on the bill’s second reading, the third reading follows. Another vote will take place, and if passed, the Senate or the House of Representatives will refer it to their counterpart for concurrence.

The referred bill will again go through first until third readings. If there are differences between the versions of the Senate and the House of Representatives, a Bicameral Conference Committee will be formed to reconcile said differences.

Afterward, the bill will be delivered to the president for approval. He can approve it to become a law. Otherwise, he can veto it and send it back to both chambers with an explanation why he rejected it. It can also lapse into a law if the president made no action on the bill within 30 days.

That is how a bill becomes a republic act. The legislative process in the Philippines is long, with some bills getting stuck at the committee level.

Learn more about the president’s veto power: https://brainly.ph/question/7043628


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