
4. Who decides to revence the death of Grendel?
a. Grendel's Father
b. Gendel's Mother
c. Gendel's Nephew d. Gendel's Wife
5. Unferth, like Hrothgar, is pleased to see Beowulf and welcomes his assistance.
a. True
b. False:
6. What is the name of the beverage Beowulf, Hrothgar, and all the thanes drink in such great quantity?
a. Mead
b. White wine.
c. Black level
c. Gold level
7. What is the name of the monster?
a. Grendel b. Beowulf c. Dragon d. Monter
8. How many of Hrothgar's men does the monster kill in just one night?
a. 20
c. 10
b. 15
d. 30
9. What body part does Beowulf rip from Grendel's body, and where in Herot is that body part hung for
a. The arm
b. Feet
c. Legs
10. What biblical character is the monster's ancestor in the epic poem?
b. Abel
c. Nemrod
d. Peter