_____1. It is used to remove stubborn rust from a small tool. A. oil B. rag C. steel wool D. whetstone _____2. A machine for grinding a grain. A. grinder B. miller C. pounder D. thresher _____3. It is used for harvesting rice. A. rice harvester B. rice miller C. rice seeder D. rice thresher _____4. It is used to draw water from a source. A. water hose B. water pump C. water reservoir D. water tank _____5. It is used to remove rust on larger tools such as shovels, spades, and hoes. A. file B. medium-grit sand paper C. steel wool D. wire brush _____6. It is capable of doing the maximum in minimum time, with reducing the cost of farming operations. A. farm equipment B. farm labor C. farm maintenance D. farm tools _____7. It is used to clean accumulated rust and dirt off all metal surfaces. A. file B. medium-grit sand paper C. steel wool D. wire brush _____8. It is used to pull disc plow and disc harrow. A. carabao B. cow C. hand tractor D. four-wheel tractor _____9. It is a tool used to keep all of the cutting edges of your garden tools honed. A. file B. oil C. rag D. whetstone _____10. It helps tools to work as intended and will prevent the formation of rust. A. oil B. rag C. steel wool D. whetstone