
what are the advantages and disadvantages of preserving foor to your family

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Like every process, food preservation has advantages and disadvantages. Firstly, food preservation extends the shelf-life and shelf-stability of food (which by the way is the number one reason for preserving food), thereby preventing spoilage and wastage. Another benefit is that it protects food from the activities of harmful microbes and enzymes which can cause harm to human health. Some preservation processes (canning, smoking etc) lead to the development of new food products. For instance, canned sardine and corned beef (convenience foods) are actually products of food preservation. Preservation to some extent prevents the loss of nutrients. Finally, it makes food (seasonal fruits and vegetables) available all year round. One of the disadvantages of food preservation is that it often leads to loss of nutrients and changes the organoleptic properties of food i.e. flavour or taste, colour, aroma, texture and so on. Most people believe that fresh foods taste better than preserved food. Another disadvantage of food preservation is that it can cause food poisoning that can be fatal (especially in high-risk foods like milk) when not properly done or monitored. Food spoilage can also occur during preservation. When food like raw meat is not properly frozen, freezer burn occurs which causes spoilage. In places, where electricity supply is not stable preservation by freezing can be a problem. Psychrophilic microbes can withstand refrigeration temperature and cause spoilage. Lastly, food preservation is very costly.

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