RIAL We share the common destiny in combating COVID-19 N By Chinese Ambassador to Guyana needed medical supplies China's epi- demic prevention and control has achieved remarkable results. As of The cases of COVID-19 and sumber of March 16, the number of new cases per countries affected are continuously day in China bas dropped from the ng around the world. Several cases peak of 15,152 to 21. and the con- were confirmed in Guyan. In the age firmed cases in 13 provinces fell to of globalization, the virus know's no zero. The WHO believes that China's borders. In face of this common public prevention and control measures health challenge, no country can sund changed the dangerous course of the alone. Fully cooperating with each rapid spread of the epidemic and other with mutual respect and upbold reduced hundreds of thousands of cases ing the concept of building a commune nationwide. The slowing down of ty of shared fumure for mankind is the China's epidemic has protected inter best choice to combat the pandemic national security, built the first line of China is one of the countries hit hard defense against the spread, and eamed by the disease. As families were cele time for the world to fight the pandem brating the Spring Festival, the sudden amack of this brand-new virus has Since the beginning of the outbreak Cui Jianchun brought eat harm to many Chinese China has been adopting an open. people. Valung people's lives and transparent and responsible manner in South Korea, Italy. Iran and other bealth above allthe Chinese govem international cooperation. WHO has countries that once supported China. ment has adopted the most comprebes been well and timely infomed. We China has within its ability, dispatched sive, strictest and most thorougb pre shared full genome sequence, primers several medical expert teams to rele- vention and control measures in histo- and probes of the virus with the inter vant countries and donated a large ry. Anti-epidemic campaigns started in national community. We also shared number of medical supplies Medical cities, villages, factones, and streets many technical documents, including supplies including masks and protec People across the country united as our epidemic prevention and control tive clothing provided by China to pa watched out for each other, and measures, as well as diagnosis and Guyana will also arrive here shortly led with indomitable resilience, treatment plans, with more than 100 Just as Guyana's national mono rent miracles such as the construc countries around the world and over 10"One people, One Nation One Des te hospitals with more than international and regional organiza y all the countries are on the same only dezen days. tions The Chinese government donat global village, and we show the com more than 170 countries od 30 milion USD to WHO support mon destiny. Upholding the concept of community of shared tume for al and relor tion in figuring the epidemic and help makund. China willing to come to work and in hand with all er the sympathes ng developing countnes improve their