
24. Transferring seedling should be done in the
A. Morning
B. Evening
C. aftemoor
D. late after
25. What is the common method of propagating trees?
A. Seeds
C. Graffing
B. Runners
D. Marcottir
26. What will you do to prevent yourself from being wounded
ring of the bark to propagate trees?
A. wear gloves
C. wear me
B. wear shoes
D. put gogg
27. Which layout accommodates more plants in rows?
A. Square method
C. Rectang
B. Quincunx method
D. Hexagor
28. Why does organic fertilizer need by plants?
A. to become week and died
B. to ruin and dry plants
C. to lowe
D. to improv
29. it comes from the decayed plants.
A. green manure
B. humus
c. Compos
D. manure

plsss help...need now​