
CLUES FOR YOU Answers are also given for some numbers to serve as your guide
1. A great Filipino dream
2. The constant vision of the Filipino MILLIONAIRE
3. _________garlands
4. The first bastion of the Fiipino is the _________ PALATE
5.With all the palaces and fleshpots and skyscrapers of that magic world called___________
6. He took from Hongkong, Brooks Brothers or Savile Row with great ease HABILIMENTS
7. The meat done in a barbarian way, thick and barely cooked with red juices still oozing out
8. Safest choice STEAK
9. These were taken by the unstylish poor on Philippine beaches known as snails.
10. Considered to be a vegetable in Europe and America. RICE
11. pancit__________
12. The Filipino decides to comb the strange city for a Chinese ____RESTAURANT______________
13. Along with the rice , a _________is also served.
14. Where is the ___________? As the title goes PATIS
15. The middle name of Carmen Nakpil