
State how the pandemic affects your life and your family.

How does this pandemic change your life?

Was there a good affect this pandemic bring in your life?


Sagot :

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is affecting everyone, but some people are being affected more severely than others. Owing to financial difficulties, it might be necessary for a number of families to make significant adjustments in their daily routines. Because of their poor and erratic wages, as well as a lack of social protection, many of them are compelled to continue working, often in hazardous conditions, putting themselves and their families at risk. Furthermore, when faced with a loss of income, they can turn to negative coping strategies such as asset distress sales, payday loans, or child labor. We can't deny, however, that COVID 19 has a positive effect. Covid-19 reduces economic growth, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and saves lives.