1.apine is to skeletal system as stomach is to system A circulatory B. digestive C nervous D. respiratory 2. carry messages is to nervous system as move blood is to system A circulatory B. digestive C. excretory D. nervous 3. table is to wood as heart is to A. bone B. oxygen C. smooth muscle D. cardiac muscle 4.kidney is to waste as lungs is to A. vein B. blood C.oxygen D. carbon dioxide 5.knee is to knee pad as brain is to B. skull C. cerebellum D. large intestine 6. CPU is to computer as nephron is to A. kidney B. heart C. lungs D. stomach 7. nail is to hammer as hormones is to system A. digestive B. endocrine C. nervous D. respiratory 8. nose is to respiratory system as skin is to system A. circulatory B. excretory C. integumentary D. nervous A. spine