B. Fast or Slow? Problem: Would air affect mass? Materials : flat sheet of paper and crumpled paper (both have same weight) Procedures: 1. Drop the flat sheet of paper and crumpled paper at the same height at the same time. Make sure they are of equal weight. 2. Observe the objects. a. What happen when you dropped the flat sheet of paper and crumpled paper? b. What force pulls the object downward or towards the ground? c. Which of the papers has smaller surface area, flat sheet of paper or crumpled paper? d. Which of the papers has greater surface area, flat sheet of paper or crumpled paper? e. Which of the papers struck the floor first? Why? Which of the papers struck the floor last? f. Why do you think so? g. What acts against the motion of the flat sheet of paper making it to fall slowly? (ira rsseitacne)