1. COVID-19. is a virus the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which spreads between people through respiratory droplets. A. affected by B brought by C. caused by D destroyed by symptoms ranging from fever, fatigue, cough, headache, and 2. The virus sore throat A. affects B. causes C. effects D. results 3. Asymptomatic or mild cases are managed with plenty of rest as well as lots of fluids prevent dehydration: A. so that B. due to C. in view of D. in order to 4. in more severe cases, infection can pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure, and even death A lead to B result from C. brought on by D come to affect you can become infected when an infected 5. Wear a facemask in public settings person coughs, sneezes, or talks. A in fact B. so that C. because D. moreover 6. You may catch the virus by touching infected surfaces and then touching your face; you should wash your hands frequently A hence B. cause C. because D. moreover this 7. Now that vaccines are available, we should be willing to be vaccinated pandemic will end soon. A. resulting to B. brought by C. cause of D. so that