
List five habits for good delivery that a speaker needs to develop

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Habit 1: Acknowledge nerves

Presenting in front of a room full of people is a nerve-wracking experience and accepting this is crucial to overcoming your stage fright.

Remind yourself that everyone experiences these nerves on occasion, and it’s ok to feel this way. Delivering a presentation does not need to be a grand performance – treat it more like a conversation with your audience.

Habit 2: Focus on your audience

Great presenters are always focused on their audience and not on themselves. How you make your audience feel and the messages that you leave with them are what’s important, and should be where your focus is placed.

Habit 3: Stay on topic

If you’re nervous ahead of delivering your presentation there is a danger of speaking quickly and veering off topic, worrying that you may forget something or get something wrong. Remember to take your time when presenting and only tell your audience what they need to know. Less is more!

Habit 4: Practise

Use your time ahead of your presentation wisely. Familiarise yourself with your slides and practise your delivery until it becomes second nature. Not only will this improve your presentation, it will also give you confidence and help subdue any nerves.

Habit 5: Use colourful, engaging images

When it comes to the slides themselves, images are far more compelling than rows of plain text cluttering up the screen.

Select striking, relevant imagery to compliment and support your key messages, and offer some much-needed variety to your slides. Well-chosen images are paramount in making your presentation stand out and your messages memorable.
