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a systematic element name and symbol — essentially a placeholder. These are only used for elements that are very heavy, very unstable, and very hard to make. Systematic element names are built from three roots, one for each decimal digit in the atomic number, with the suffix -ium added to the end. The corresponding symbol is built from three letters, one for each root, with the first letter capitalized. For example…
Uuo for ununoctium (the systematic name for element 118). In 2016 it was named oganesson after Yuri Oganessian, a pioneer in superheavy element research. Uuo and ununoctium were then retired.
Uts for untriseptium (the systematic name for element 137). If and when it is discovered it will be called this for a while. Some have proposed naming it feynmanium (Fy) after the American physicist Richard Feynman who predicted it would be the heaviest element possible. How this scenario plays out is open to some speculation.
This last convention arose during the Transfermium Wars of the late 20th century, which, despite sounding like a science fiction battle for supremacy of the galaxy, was actually nothing more than an academic argument. At this time, nuclear chemists in the United States and the Soviet Union were synthesizing elements heavier than fermium (thus the adjective "transfermium") and the governments of the United States and the Soviet Union were embroiled in the Cold War (thus the noun "wars"). Put the two together and you get Transfermium Wars — a bunch of chemists arguing about whose laboratory (and by proxy, whose superpower nation) was the best.
Naming rights go to the lab with priority in a discovery. The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), which establishes rules for things like naming chemical elements, invented systematic names to impose a kind of armistice on warring chemists. Naming elements is a much slower process now as a result. This gives the scientific community time to verify claims of discovery. If laboratory A says it's found a way to synthesize element X and laboratories B and C can't synthesize element X using the same process, no one gets to name an element that day. As a pleasant side effect, the systematic naming convention also makes it possible to name elements that haven't been synthesized yet (and even those that may never be synthesized). I can fill my periodic table with placeholder names and symbols and then replace them with real names and symbols as reality reveals itself to science.
Two numbers are usually added to each cell.
← atomic number
← atomic mass
The atomic number is the number of protons inside the nucleus of an atom. It is represented by the symbol Z in equations because Z is the first letter in the word atomic number (definitely not true). Each element can be identified from this number alone. It is always a whole number greater than zero when used to identify an element. The atomic number can also be applied to things like electrons and isolated neutrons in nuclear reactions. In these situations, electrons get Z = −1 and neutrons get Z = 0. This topic is discussed across several sections of this book.
The atomic mass is the mass of the average nucleus in an element and is stated in atomic mass units (1 u = 1.66× 10−27 kg). It is represented by the symbol A in equations because A is the first letter in the word atomic mass (probably true, but who knows). This number is roughly equal to the total number of protons and neutrons in the typical nucleus of an element. By definition, this number is exactly equal to the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of your garden variety carbon atom — carbon 12 as it's called, which has a nucleus with 6 protons and 6 neutrons and a mass of exactly 12 u. Real carbon is a blend of isotopes, nuclei of the same element with different numbers of neutrons. Your typical collection of carbon atoms is 98.9% carbon 12 with 6 neutrons and a mass of 12 u (by definition), 1.1% carbon 13 with 7 neutrons and a mass of 13.00335 u (measured), and a minute but detectable trace of carbon 14 with 8 neutrons and a mass of 14.003241 u (measured). This averages out to 12.011 u for carbon on the Earth taken from non-living (or never alive) sources. Because living things prefer the lighter forms of carbon, the average is slightly lower than this in living and dead plants and animals. Then there's carbon on other planets, and other solar systems, and other galaxies, and other times in the history of the universe. The blend of isotopes in a sample of any element tells you something about where and when that sample came from and what kind of experiences it's had. This is what makes isotopes a subject of study unto itself.
S- sulfur
T- titanium
E- europium
L- lanthanum
L- lawrencium
A- argon
R- radon