
What is the four kind of Gender Stereotypes

Sagot :


A stereotype is a widely accepted judgment or bias regarding a person or group — even though it is overly simplified. Stereotypes about gender can cause unequal and unfair treatment because of a person’s gender. This is called sexism.

Stereotypes hurt people. Sexism hurts people. Simple as that.

Here are four basic kinds of gender stereotypes:

Shy vs Strong – is it true?

Personality traits — For example, women are often expected to be passive and submissive, while men are usually expected to be self-confident and aggressive.

Feeding vs. Fixing – is it true?

Domestic behaviors — For example, child care is considered best done by women, while household repairs are often considered best done by men.

Helper vs. Boss – is it true?

Occupations — For example, until very recently most nurses and secretaries were usually women, and most doctors and construction workers were usually men.

Petite vs. Powerful – is it true?

Physical appearance

— For example, women are expected to be small and graceful, while men are expected to be tall and broad-shouldered.


Personality traits, domestic behaviours, occupation and physical appearance