
Examples include
sa sisease-causing organism which includes bacteria, virus parasitic worm protozoa
which can be a living or non-living object. In order to be
and long and is in the 21_
tramite te panogen leaves the reservoir through the (3)
the mouthnote aus and other special body openings. The pathogen is then passed through a
from one host to the next hos! It is transmitted through a
louing vector amosouto or flea Some diseases like malana have complicated life cycles involving
more than one stedes Some are transmitted by respiratory droplets, while others are through bloco
contact semen orter secretions Hand-to-mouth is a common mode for gastrointestinal pathogens
The organism enters the body through the (5)
such as the nose skin or mouth
The portal of entry determines the type of personal protective equipment (PPE) to use to keep heath
care workers famly and visitors safe in the hospital The (6)
is a person
w immunity to disease This includes the very old, and the immune suppressed (due to genetics
plant drugs malnutricion of viral infection like HIV)​