
of the
correct answer and
1. The action or process of narrating a story.
a Narration
c. Essay
b. Description
d. Paragraph
b. Description
d. Paragraph
2. A spoken or written representation or account of a person
object or event.
a. Narration
c. Essay
3. "I sprinted outside, out into cold; as I did, I felt the spray of
rain on my face." This sentence is an example of
a. Narration
c. Description
4. A distinct section of a piece of writing, usually dealing with a
single theme and indicated by a new line, indention and composed of
many sentences
c. Description
b. Essay
d. Paragraph
d. Paragraph
5. A word uses to describe how a subject look, sounds, feels,
smells or even taste is called
a. Objective Description
b. Subjective Description
b. Sensory Language
c. Descriptive words​