
treu or false

____1. The results section of the research paper is where you report the findings of your study based upon the information gathered as a result of the methodologies you applied.
____2. The results section should simply state the findings, with bias or interpretation, and arranged in a logical sequence.
____3. In discussing your findings look toward the future but don’t end with it.
____4. In discussing your findings provide context and explain why people should care, do not simply rehash your results.
____5. Summary of findings must contain each specific question under the statement of the problem and must be written first to be followed by the findings that would answer it.
____6. The findings should not be textual generalizations, that is, a summary of the important data consisting of text and numbers.
____7. In writing findings point out differences and relationships, and provide information about them.
____8. In experimental studies, findings are written by using text to introduce tables and figures and guide the reader through key results.
____9. In presenting quantitative findings the main point to remember while presenting quantitative interview data is that the reader should not be bored with the minute details.
_____10. In qualitative findings mention the key points and themes as they relate to the research question rather than reporting everything that the interviews said.