
262.5 km,Average speed,speed,time,distance,{7x,5},constant,coefficient,variable
1. x is a _________ whose value is unknown to us which can take any value.
2.7 is known as the ____________ of x, as it is a constant value used with the variable term and is well defined
3.5 is the ______________ value term which has a defenite value.
4.2 terms ____________
5.The units of measurement of _________ are kilometer (km), meter (m) centimeter(cm), millimeter (mm).
6. The units of measurement of ____________ are hour(h), minute(m),second(sec)
7.The units of measurement of ____________ are kilometer per hour (km/h),minute per second (min/sec)
8.______________ is a measure of the distance traveled in a specific amount of time
9.Calculate The distance that you will travel if you will drive for 3.5 hours at 75 km/h.