
What can we learn from these leaders regarding God's Call today?

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The church was commissioned to make disciples. But we seem to be seriously lacking in that department. Some may call it a discipleship deficit.

More than one concerned leader has asked regarding spiritual formation, “What should we do?” and “How should we do it?” They want to know the best ways to turn this discipleship deficit into the kind of robust discipleship that will matter along the way.

There are many good discipleship ideas out there. But what can we learn about discipleship from the Scriptures? In this series of articles, we are looking at four discipleship principles found in a brief passage in Philippians.

  • Maturity is a goal for disciples.

  • God wants you and your church on a clear path toward spiritual growth.

  • God involves us in our own growth, as well as our church’s growth.

  • God calls you and your church to be spiritual leaders.

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