
What I Know:

1. a person who studies fossils. → D. paleontologists
Scientists who study fossils are called paleontologists (Pay-lee-en-TOL-oh-jists). Paleontologists compare fossils to find clues about early organisms and how they lived. Fossils can show how organisms evolved over very long periods of time.28 Oct 2019

2. where can most fossils be found? → D. Sedimentary Rock
Fossils are mostly found where sedimentary rocks of the right age are exposed, such as river valleys, cliffs and hillsides, and human-made exposures such as quarries and road cuttings.

3.in what era can the oldest fossils be found? → C. Paleozoic Era
The oldest is the Paleozoic Era, which means “ancient life.” Fossils from the Paleozoic Era include animals and plants that are entirely extinct (e.g., trilobites) or are rare (e.g., brachiopods) in the modern world.