9.I was tired in the morning because I stayed up too late wacthing tv.in this sentence the effect.is__ a.rite b.right c.i was tired in the morning 11.Considering that the vowel sounds of each word are read similar to how the letter names of the vowels are read. a.serial b.long vowel sound c.see real 12.The long vowel sound of word note is__ a.long o b.long u c.choice 13.The long vowel sound of word "duke" is__ a.long o b.long u c.ours 14.Duke,cute,huge are example of___word. a.long u b.rode c.rude 15.Bake,cake,lake are example of words in___ a.long b.for c.poor 16.Kite,site,and bike are words having__sounds. a.long i (ai) b.four c.poor 17.Three,free knee are example of words in__ a.tail b.long e /i/ c.not sure