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that the real big problem of this crisis is that there are more patients than can be taken care of, and this creates shortages in the healthcare staff and medicines, so the question during this pandemic is: how are more lives saved? That was pointed out by Kenneth Prager, Director of Clinical Ethics at Columbia University Medical Center at such University’s online panel, called Health and Human Rights in the Era of COVID-19: What Are the Ethical Issues?
During the coronavirus outbreak it has become evident that humans are not isolated beings and need others to achieve any task. However, the way every human contributes to those tasks must go hand in hand with a code of ethics. In the case of medicine, such codes demand being reinforced and recalled during research and creation of solutions to combat the virus, ensuring this way only that more lives are saved.
It is important noting that patients will always be the central focus of medical ethics, and adjustments will depend on their trust in the healthcare system.
Ethics engraved on paper
On April 6th, 2020, UNESCO presented its Declaration on COVID-19: Ethical considerations from a global perspective, and highlighted several points that must be considered to have correct ethical practices. Among these, it asked politicians, journalists, and scientists for accurate, clear, complete, and transparent information so that everybody, regardless of age or education level can understand the same. This seeks from citizens to protect themselves and contribute to securing overall public health. On the other hand, it called that, although research activities are being performed at the local level, there is a need to publicize whatever is discovered internationally, so that other scientists can use these findings for humankind.
In addition, the Declaration recommends creating an Oversight Committee for Responsible Research during the pandemic, to gather all information found by scientists and be shared globally. While such actions “may not follow the regular rules of research, it will serve for new practices to be accommodated in the emergency context,” the UNESCO document explains.
With promptness, without pause and with ethics
Medical supplies (from acetaminophen to anesthesia) should be brought to countries by the pharmaceutical industry; such industry should also provide healthcare professionals with scientific information to adequately treat patients, while scientists and researchers must develop a vaccine and treatments.
Thus, an example of ethical practices set by pharmaceutical companies is the one stablished by the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA), where ethical principles -also called Ethos- are based on four pillars: respect, honesty, rectitude and care. In summary, Ethos is the basis of any research and development for the biopharmaceutical industry. It is important clarifying that the role of the pharmaceutical industry during COVID-19 will be the key to defeat coronavirus.
In this regard, Rady Johnson -Chair, IFPMA’s Ethics and Business Integrity Committee- said that “the importance of Ethos during the pandemic is that we make decisions with integrity, because the world is relying on our innovation, commitment, courage and resilience.”
This position of reaffirming ethical commitments during the pandemic was also adopted by the CNB-UNESCO Latin American and Caribbean Network, which brings together National Bioethics Councils. In its Declaration issued at the end of March 2020, they called for rigorous research with social and scientific value by prioritizing the victims of the pandemic and affected communities. In addition, they explain that research during times of crisis should have greater ethical guarantees than under regular situations, which includes the selection of communities or individuals who will benefit from the researched treatments.
On the other hand, the group of National Bioethics Councils recommended to have the necessary approvals when conducting research with human participants and ensure their consent, while the benefits of research should be provided to all those affected by the pandemic. It also called for accountability to ensure that “studies are done ethically.”
Thus, the products created by the pharmaceutical industry can extend and save lives, so it is essential that they meet high ethical standards, probably more than in any other industry. They are accountable for the new medicines and vaccines reaching citizens worldwide.