
1. The reproduction in plants where the male and female parison
A asexual
8. budding
2. Which is NOT a female part of a flower?
A filament
B. ovary
3. Which part of the flower produces pollen?
A anther
4. Which part of the flower stores the ovules?
C. pistol
A filament
D. stigma
5. Which part of the flower connects the stigma to the ovary?
С. sepales
D. style
B. pollen sac
6. Which parts of the flower is needed in pollination?
A calyx and anther
C. pistil and petals
B. pistil and stamen
D. sepals and petals
7. Which part of a flower becomes a seed?
A ovum and anther
B. Ovum and ovary
C. ovum and we
Davum and style
8. Which of the following supports the base of the flower?
A petals
B. pollen sac
D stigma
9. What type of pollination happens when pollen grains from the anto
transferred to the stigma of a flower that belongs to the same plan
A across-pollination
C cross pollination
B. auto-pollination
self pollination
10. How is animal asexual reproduction similar to plant asexual repro
can produce
A up to a certain age​