2. Which of the following is an effect of poor sanitation? C. A. deaths B. malnutrition C. transmission of disease 3. What disease does not linked to poor sanitation? D. all of the above A. cholera B. corona virus C. diarrhea D. hepatitis a 4. It is said to be the cornerstone of public health by the WHO? A. diseases B. disinfection C. infection D. sanitation 5. Which of the following is the best way to prevent transfer of bacteria, viruses and parasites found in human excreta? A. Using proper toilets and hand washing with without soap. B. Using proper toilets and hand washing with soap. C. No washing of hands at all. D. None of the above 6. Which of the following viruses spreads through the contact of human excreta? C. protozoa D. all of the above A. bacteria B. parasitic worms 7. Which of the following is the effect of poor environmental sanitation? C. clean air A. disease free environment D. death B. healthy environment 8. How to avoid poor environmental sanitation? A. Washing of hands with soap and water. C. Having proper toilets. B. Maintaining cleanliness. D. None of the above. 9. What percentage of the world's population lacks access to toilets and the dignity of safety that provide? A. Near 30 % B. Near 40% C. Near 50% D. Near 60% 10. Who has the most impact of poor environmental sanitation? A. adult B. children C. elders D. all of the above