Sagot :
— The many colors created through the combination of the three principal color elements known as the three chromatic properties, hue, value, and chroma, express the various color tones.
— Under a specified set of conditions, an element for which the standard time allowance should always be the same.
— Emphasis is defined as an area or object within the artwork that draws attention and becomes a focal point. Subordination is defined as minimizing or toning down other compositional elements in order to bring attention to the focal point.
— The Elements of Harmony are six supernatural artifacts representing subjective aspects of harmony. They are six: Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Loyalty and Magic.
— Can be described using mathematical terms.
They are very regular or precise.
They are more often found in man-made things because they are easier to reproduce and make things with.
Examples of geometric shapes are: squares, rectangles, triangles, circles, oval, pentagons and so on.