III. Think and draw. Direction: Draw ⭐Star if the statement is referring to antivirus can do and moon if the statement is benefits of antivirus.
___1. Remove any malicious code detected sometimes you will be notified of an infection and asked if you want to clean the file, other programs will automatically do this behind the scenes.
___2. Show you the 'health' of your computer.
___3. Providing simple training to teach you and your family how to be even safer online
___4. Scanning the dark web to find if an email address has been compromised
___5. Allow you to schedule scans to automatically run for you.
___6. Preventing identity theft and block phishing and fraud.
___7. Allow you to initiate a scan of a particular file or your entire computer, or of a CD or flash drive at anytime.
___8. Keeping online accounts protected with secure password encryption.