TRUE OR FALSE 1. Printmaking is an application of making designs by transferring from one object to another 2. Silk Screen Printing is one of the techniques of printmaking where ink or paint is applied on the stencil on the wooden screen frame or mesh using a fill blade or squeegee. 3. Relief Printing is a technique that involves using a wooden mesh screen to support a stencil that prevents ink from receiving a desired image. 4. Intaglio Printing is a printing method on the principle that oil and water do not mix. 5. In T-shirt printing, the first step is prepare the materials to be used. 6. In using iron-on printing t-shirt, the last step is lift the printer paper 7. A printed t-shirt or graphic t-shirt is a t-shirt bearing a design image or lettering on it. 8. Digital technology has transformed the world of t-shirt printing options and many new methods of printing have emerged. 9. Design t-shirt can be image or lettering, 10.Designing a t-shirt is another way to promote a place or product.