Leecabilego Leecabilego Music Answered MUSIC... 1.thid is symbolizes power and status2.it stands for royalty and relaxation 3.it is a place where one can find refuge 4.it is a symbolic protection from spears and knives 5.it represents courage and part of the ceremonial attire6.it is sacred and part of T'bolis traditional wedding rituals7.this is a body ornament that serves as anting-anting against bullets8.it is a defence against pirates and raiders of the sultans of mindanao9.it is a body ornament that serves as protection from illness caused by evil spirits10.this is a source of livelihood and shows the culture and history of the muslimPHYSICAL EDUCATION MATCHING TYPE MATCH THE PHYSICAL FITNESS IN COLUMN A WITH THE PHYSICAL FITNESS COMPONENT IN COLUMN B WRITE THE LETTER ONLY. A B.1. 3-MINUTE A. AGILITYSTEP TEST2. 40-METER B. BALANCESPRINT3. CURL-UP C. BODY COMPOSITION4. HEXAGONAL D. CARDIOAGILITY TEST VASCULARENDURANCE5. PAPER E. COORDINJUGGLING ATION6. PUSH-UP F. FLEXIBILITY7.STANDING G. MUSCULONG JUMP LAR ENDURANCE8.STICK DROP H. POWERTEST9.STORK BALANCE STAND TEST I. REACTION TIME10.ZIPPER TEST J. SPEEDK. STRENGHTPa help