Here are the top ten actions you can take to help keep drinking water sources clean in your community:
1. Handle and dispose of waste properly:
Reduce your waste production
Use local hazardous waste collection programs
Pick up pet waste
2. Maintain heating oil tanks and fill lines:
Inspect your oil tank regularly
Upgrade to a modern fuel tank
Install a drip pan and oil line/gauge protectors
3. Maintain and use septic systems properly:
Know the location of your tank and septic beds and protect it from damage
Have the tank pumped out every three to five years
Conserve water
Avoid the use of bleach/harsh cleaning products
4. Maintain wells:
Inspect your well at least once a year
Keep potential pollutants (i.e. livestock, septic systems, fuel sources, gardens) away from your well
Test your well water regularly for bacterial contamination
5. Hire a licensed well contractor to upgrade your will or properly plug unused wells:
Be sure to use a Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change licensed contractor for well upgrades and to properly decommission an unused well
6. Avoid or limit the use of road salt:
Wear sturdy footwear
Switch to snow tires
Use traction aides (i.e. sand)
Practice smart salt application
7. Practice smart agriculture:
Fence livestock away from watercourses
Practice conservation tillage
Mix/apply chemicals away from water bodies
Follow the manufacturer’s directions for storage and application methods
Establish and maintain a buffer zone near water courses
8. Practice water conservation:
Use a rain barrel to water your garden
Install low flow shower heads and toilets
Fix leaking taps
9. Use green products for:
Household cleaning
Personal care
Lawn care
10. Work together to find opportunities in your community to better protect water