Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper. 6. Which of the following tools is used in taking body measurements? A. ruler B. scissors C. tape measure D. thimble 7. What kind of tool is used for sewing? A. tape measure B. needle C. ruler D. tailor chalk 8. Which of the following tools is used to finish seams and raw edges and to create decorative edges on many types of fabric? A. thimble B. needle C. embroidery scissors D. pinking shears 9. It is meant to keep the fabric in place while cut or sewing. A. pins B. thread C. ruler D. thimble 10. What kind of sewing tool that is small hard pitted cup worn for protection on the finger that pushes the needle in sewing? A. Scissors B. teeth C. ruler D. thimble 11. This kind of material serves as a utility box. Sewing tools like pins, thread. thimble, and other can be kept in this box. B. pins C. fabric A. sewing box D. ruler 12. It is specifically designed for ripping out stitches from seams, either as a result of an error or during alteration. What is this? C. seam ripper D. thread A. scissors B. teeth 13 This holds the straight pins and needles while working to prevent