
Grade Level
Pirang mga Ba New Points in an ove
Presentacinema, cucerende testcetering viewpoints on an issue,
Freeting car, te beport on Datering Viewpoints on an
Toming Acties
Every day you wel der with different waves in the politics,
Tue, yod many me. There everere, you can read
Wan NEWYS woh them on tegen het them on
arasti vastu.
Estes med and deal with sues
and now and the necuelesed and take out on ka
manane, the Alean going thing that happens in excely
Scion Se the way the newesend the tendens,
AY, yen to these issues to which
you can see fred on your on wees, on Youtube and on
We wangu nove you wachadendo report that
within you expected to develop your skills in detecting
bines and to clicy nie en onderstand the viewpoints of on
ca fume, you ge entre 19 pero coherent and
on su​