PART 1. WRITE AGREE IF THE STATEMENT IS CORRECT, AND WRITE DISAGREE IF THE STATEMENT IS NOT CORRECT VARITE YOU'RE ANSWER BEFORE THE NUMBER 1. Distance réters to the length of the entire path that the coject travelled. 2. Displacement refers to the shortes distance between the object's two positions. 3. In general, the minimum speed limit in the Philippines is 60 km/h and te maximum speed limit is 100 km ta 4. If an object does not change its position at a given time interval, then it is at rest or its speed is zero or not accelerating 5. If an object covers equal distance et equal intervals of time, then it is moving at constant speed and still not accelerating 6. Han object covers varying distances at equal intervals of time, then it is moving with changing speed or velocity. it means that the object is accelerating. 7. A wave is a periodic disturbance that moves away from a source and carries energy with it. 8. The repetitive motion that you do with your hand write waving is called a vibration 9. Transverse waves occur when the individual partides or segments of a medium vibrate from side to side perpendicular to the direction in which the waves travel. 10. Longitudinal waves occur when the individual particles of a medium vitrate back and forth in the direction in which the waves travel. 11. The crest and trough refer to the highest point and lowest point of a wave pattern, respectively. 12. The frequency of periodic waves is the number of waves that pass a particular point for every one second. 13. The period is the time required for one complete wave to pass a particular point. 14. The amplitude of a wave is the maximum displacement of a particle of the medium on either side of its normal position when the wave passes. 15. In mechanical waves, some physical medium is being disturbed for the wave to propagate 16. Longitudinal Wave whose motion is parallel to the motion of the particles of the medium.