2. It is a text type used to make clear why things happen. * a. Procedure b. Narrative c. Discussion d. Explanation 3. What is a narrative text? * a. Tell a story, a real or fictional event that has happened to some characteristics in specific space and time b. Name the qualities of an object, a person or a place c. Argue the reasons for and against telling stories d. It represents a series of instructions, tips, warnings or useful information for the reader 4. What is a descriptive text? * a. Describe someone’s positive traits b. Describe the characteristics of a person, animal, object, place, etc. c. Give information objectively d. Try to convince an opinion subjectively 5. It is a text type used to present information about something. * a. Information report b. Exposition c. Discussion d. Argumentative 6. It is a text type about a series of events in chronological order. * a. Expository b. Instructional c. Recount d. Descriptive 7. It presents information and opinions about more than one side of an issue. * a. Discussion b. Procedure c. Recount d. Descriptive 8. What text type tells how to do something? * a. Discussion b. Descriptive c. Narrative d. Procedure 9. It refers to the author’s message or central concept about life or human nature conveyed through the story. * a. Setting b. Theme c. Characters d. Mood 10. It refers to the central problem to be solved in the story. a. Mood b. Setting c. Conflict d. Plot