Sagot :
This fish that Morga mentions, that cannotbe good until it begins
rot, is bagoong[salted and fermented fish or shrimp pasteused as a
sauce in Filipino cuisine] andthose who have eaten it and tasted itknow that it neither is nor should be rotten(Rizal 1890, 264).
Christianity was a weapon for facilitatingthe political and economic subjugation of the native.
Rizal noticed all Morga’s mistakes .Morga misspelled many native names of places, flora and fauna, and other socialclasses which Rizal corrected.
Rizal emphasized that native women,unlike their European counterparts, never lost their noble titles. It was the groomwho gave dowry to the parents becausethey going to lost their precious daughter.
Rizal clarified that Morga must havemeant sinamay. Which was wovenfrom abaca thread that comes from thebanana trunks not from the leaves.
Their daily fare is composed of: lice crushedin wooden pillars and when cooked is calledmorisqueta (this is the staple throughout theland); cooked fish which they have in a b un m pork, venieon, mountain buffaloeswhich they call carabaos, beef and fishwhich they know is best when it has
to mt and stink (Retana 1909,174).
By the Christian religion, Dr. Morga appearsto mean the Roman Catholic which by fireand sword he would preserve in its purity inthe Philippines. Nevertheless in other lands,notably in Flanders, these means wereineffective to keep the church unchanged,or to maintain its supremacy, or even tohold its subjects.
In Morga’s time, the Philippines exportedsilk to japan whence now comes thebest quality of that merchandise.
Morga’s remark that the Filipinos like fishbetter when it is commencing to turn badis another of those prejudices whichSpaniards like all other nations have.
Morga said that cotton was grownextensively in practically all the islandswhich the natives sold as thread andwoven fabrics to Chinese and other foreign merchants.
Comparison between Rizal's performance in Ateneo and UST. Greatest impact on Rizal was his family.