Directions:Check "Yes" if you already performed the given task.And "No" if you didn't performed it. PERFORMANCE CRITERIA CHEKLIST *Did I sterilized the bottle?Yes or No *Did I choose one vegetable or fruit from the given choices?Yes or No *Did I measured the vinegar?Yes or No *Did I measured sugar?Yes or No *Did I measured salt?Yes or No *Did I peeled the vegetable or fruit?Yes or No *Did I washed the vegetable or fruit?Yes or No *Did I chopped the bird's eye chili?Yes or No "Did I arranged the mango and bird's eye chili inside the sterilized bottle?Yes or No *Did I put the vinegar,sugar,and salt in casserole?Yes or No *Did I stirred until the sugar and salt dissolved?Yes or No *Did I boiled the mixture for 5-10 minutes?Yes or No *Did I removed from the heat the casserole and pour the brine solution in bottle with mango?Yes or No *Did I tap the bottle to remove bubbles?Yes or No *Did I covered the bottle with lid?Yes or No paki sagot po plss SA TLE/EPP po Yan☺️☺️