1. He sews dresses that enhances body assets and hide flaws a dressmaker b. mender c. sewer d. tailor 2. She is the one who can make impressive dresses out of any fabric a. dressmaker b. mender C. sewer d tailor 3. He is responsible in altering clothes and ensuring that clothes fit costumer's properly a. dressmaker b. mender c. seamstress d tailor 4. It is one of the characteristics of a good dressmaker wherein he/she is self-determined and willing to come up with a good quality garment. a accurate b. cheerful c. patient d. persistent 5. It is one of the characteristics of a dressmaker who is willing to attend customer's request for alterations a accurate b. cheerful c. patient d. persistent 6. It is defined as the art of sewing clothes and dresses a. altering b. dressmaking c. mending d. sewing 7. It refers to the one who specializes clothes for men, such as suits , jackets and coats a dressmaker b. tailor C. sewer d. mender 8. It is one of the characteristics of a dressmaker in which a positive mood is shown a. cheerful b. confident c. efficient d. patient 9. It refers to the one who makes clothes for men a dressmaker b. mender c. sewer d. tailor 10. It is the art of designing, fitting, fabricating, and finishing gamments a. dressmaking b. mending C. sewing d tailoring 11. It is one of the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur who is committed and dedicated to one's work a. accurate b. committed c. patient d. persistent 12. It refers to the one who makes clothes for women a dressmaker b. mender c. sewer d. tailor 13. She is the one who makes any dream gown or dress into reality a dressmaker b. mender c. sewer d tailor 14. It is one of the characteristics of a good dressmaker wherein he/she must be knowledgeable enough in keeping and using his/her tool and equipment. c. persistent d systematic b. confident a. accurate 15. She is a great designer who creates different trends a dressmaker b. mender c. seamstress d tailor