THE STORY Tarsiers are extraordinary carnivorous primates found in Bohol, Philippines. They have the largest eyes relative to body size of any mammal. Each eyeball 15 around 15 millimeters in diameter, which is as large as the tarsier's entire brain, but every millimeter is necessary since the tarsier is a nocturnal species. The eyes are so large, they cannot rotate them and so they 10 a neck that does the work instead. Tarsiers can rotate their necks a full 180 degrees outro direction, just like owls. But because these animals have big eyes with small body they sem very cute and attractive to people and tourist snakes, frogs. birds and even bats. While small and cute, they are serious ambush redators Tarsiers do not eat plant matter of any kind. They feast on insects, reptiles like lizards and waiting silently for prey to approach nearby and can even snag birds and bats right out of the need to take good care of these extraordinary animals, the tarsiers. Our country is very fortunate to have this Philippine tarsier