
Activity 2: Based on the story, answer the following questions effectively.
Comprehension Questions:
1. Who is the author of the story?
2. What are the ways used/employed by Morgiana to save Alibaba's life whenever
the thieves plan to kill him?
3. What did Alibaba do to the corpse of his brother?
4. How did Casim discover the treasure?
5. What can you learn from the story "Alibaba and the Forty Thieves?"
6. What does Ali Baba see when he is hiding in the bushes?
7. What command do the horsemen give the steep rock?
8. What does Ali Baba take home to his wife?
9. What terrible thing happens to Cassim?
10. Why does the thief mark Ali Baba's door with chalk?
11. Why do the thieves hide in the jars?
12. How does Morgiana discover the thieves?
13. What does Morgiana do to stop the thieves?
14. What does Ali Baba do to thank Morgiana for saving his life?
15. If you were Alibaba, what will you do to the treasure?
16-20. Write your own version of the part of the story where Ali Baba discovers the
treasure. What adjectives can you use to describe what he sees? Can you use
adverbs to describe how Ali moves around the cave? For example: Carefully, Ali
stepped over an enormous pile of glittering golden coins.​