
in not less than 10 sentences, share your thoughts about plant grow and development.

Sagot :


If a plant cannot live according to its nature, it dies; and so a man.


The Immortal side of him is weak. He'll do whatever it takes to get his mate back, and I intend to plant the idea in his head.



she left from Ashley, she would arrive in time to plant a garden at the ranch.



WATER-LILY, a name somewhat vaguely given to almost any floating plant with conspicuous flowers, but applying more especially to the species of Nymphaea, Nuphar, and other members of the order Nymphaeaceae.

The " nardoo " seed, on which the aborigines sometimes contrived to exist, is a creeping plant, growing plentifully in swamps and shallow pools, and belongs to the natural order of Marsileaceae.



Amid the scattered property and the crowd on the open space, she, in her rich satin cloak with a bright lilac shawl on her head, suggested a delicate exotic plant thrown out onto the snow.