
statement of convention of policies and achievements of the government and regeneration of the Filipino​

Sagot :


POLITICAL CONTEX (the policies and achievements of the government and regeneration of the filipino)

Quezon was the only man styled as a president, and receiving a nineteen-gun salute. As he looked forward to twenty-one guns, he gave thought to the future shape of the Philippine polity and its leadership. Quezon was at the height of his powers, and the Japanese threat, while felt, and was still sixteen months away from becoming an invasion. He criticized dictatorships, including dictatorship of the proletariat, and lauded democracy of the Lincolnian kind, "of, by, and for the people." This rhetorical opening preceded a series of sallies against old ideas of the scope of governments, which accented too much the sacredness of property and contracts, and recognized too little the social obligations of men living under the same system. The idea that individual liberty must not be restricted, while heading towards his conceptual and practical goal: governmental initiatives in behalf of social justice.