
list 5 measures you need to know before dancing

Sagot :

1. You are physically healthy.

2. You've memorized how to do the steps (if it's the final performance) or atleast have an insight on what the dance steps are.

3. You're on an empty stomach (to avoid appendicitis).

4. Can reiterate the dance steps simply.

5. Doesn't have heart problems.

First, dancing while having health problems may affect your damaged or weak parts of your body and this may be your lungs etc.. Second, it's easier to dance when you know the steps but if you don't, try your best to memorize. Third, it's more efficient when you dance on an empty stomach because it's easier to focus when your body isn't busy digesting what you've just ate. Fourth, being able to revise or even simply write down the steps mean you were quite receptive (meaning, focus is important, complemenary to no. 2). Fifth, make sure you wouldn't have heart diseases before engaging in a physical activity like dancing.