
Directions: Read the following paragraphs Write CL if the text-tope
classification. EX for explanation. EN for enumeration, and TO for Time Order. Write
your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1. In the convection process, water from the bottom of a heating pot
begins to move isster. The water then begins to expand and rise to be replaced by
cold water from the upper regions of the pot. Eventually, after this heated water set
to the top. it cools and off and sinks, to be replaced by neviy heated water from the
2 Volcanic eruption is one of the most devastated natural calamite
that brings panic and destruction. When a volcano erupts, it ennits smoke, ash, son
and also rocks. Lava also flows. If these things happen, our life and properties are
danger. To prevent it to happen, the volcanologist monitors the activity of the volen
and keep the people near the vicinity or in the area in an evacuation are to preve
oss of lives.
3. There are two groups of planets, the inner and the outer plan
uter planets include Mereuy, Venus, Earth and Mars. They are also
rzestal planets and they are closest to the sun. Outer plants are namely, June
uranus and Neptune. These planets are called at planets​