2. Reading books, watching films, and browsing sites online are examples of this.
A. Communicative Code C. Communicative Purpose B. Communicative Event D. Communicating
3. Every communicator has a purpose in relaying one's message. This may also mean
A. To communicate is to share. C. Intention drives one to communicate B. Communication depends on the event, D. None of the above.
4. This word is also used in differentiating types of kinds of literature.
A. Genre C. Media B. Codes D. Conventions
5. This is referred to the way things have been done, which are accepted by most people.
A. Convention C. Code B. Formulaic D. Purpose
-6. What categorizes people's movements and behavior?
A. Social C. Representational B. Textual D. Interpretative
7. Scientific, aesthetic, mass media, and genre codes are examples of these.
A. Representation Codes C. Social Codes B. Interpretative Codes D. None of the above
8. When the audience start to give their perception, reaction, and comments on the ideological side of the message, what have they been working on?
A. Representation Codes C. Social Codes B. Interpretative Codes D. None of the above
9. This happens when the equipment in storytelling or film-viewing affects the meaning of the message.
A. Technical C. Visual/Symbolic B. Written D. Auditory
10. When Goes both sender and receiver of information best experience tropes?
A. When both of the communicators are very intelligent B. When the message is transferred verbally. C. When idioms or figures of speech are used are recognizable by both communicators. D. When the message is easy.