
global warming refers to climate chane that causes an increas in the average of earth temeratures.nature and event and humaninfluences are bielived in to the top contribution towards the increase the average temperature.global warming is a rise in the surface and atmosphiric temperature of the earth that has changed varous life forms on the eath.

the impact that global warming is causing on earth is extremely serious.there re many hazardous effect that will happen bin the future if global warming continous.it includes melting of polar ice caps,leading to an increase in sea level drowning coastlines and slowly submerging continents.
from todays scenario,we can derive that our earth is sick and we humans need to heal it.global warming has already caused many problem from humans and we need to prevent disaster of the future.our generation need to takes care of the earth immadite effect to safeguard future generation or thay will suffer consiquences of global warming.

1.)what have you learn from the selection you have read?

2.)who are the most affected with this changes?

3.)as a student,how can you contribute to lesson the effect of this change?

4.)to what extent do you agree or disagree on the issue or topic about blobal warming or climate change?

5.)discuss one of the advantages and disadvantiges;and give your own viewpoint on climate change or global warming?