
1. A classification of Indian Musical instruments which can be described as a membranous percussive
instrument typically comprise the drums?
b. Tat
c. Avanaddh
d. Banam
2. The Classical Indian music has two classification. These are
a. Hindustani and Carnatic
c. Avanaddh and Carnatic
b. Hindustani and Banam
d. Banam and Avanaddh
3.A folk song from Indonesia about the cockatoo and the village grandmother who listens to it sing.
a. Qawwali
b. Brung Kakatua c. Rasa Sayang
d. Ghazal
4. Rasa Sayang has a lively and exciting mood and Burung Katatua has a/an
a. Exciting
b. Lovely
c. Devotional
d. Fast
5. The following are elements of music EXCEPT one.
a. Texture
b. Speed
c. Tempo
d. Mood
6. Tempo is the speed of music while Mood is the
a. Emotions
b. Melody c. Harmony
d. Texture
7. An element of music defines as the interaction of melodies and harmonies within a song,
a. Tempo
b. Dynamics c. Melody
d. Texture
8. If you sing Bahay Kubo in a normal speed. Then sing it again in a faster speed. This shows which
element of music.
a. Tempo
b. Mood
c. Melody
d. Textured​