
Instructions: Supply the needed information to complete the following


1. A drawing showing more than one side of an object tilted in front of the observer.
a. pictorial drawing
b. artistic drawing
c. multi-view drawing
d. orthographic drawing
2. The place or point where the observer is supposed to stand while viewing the object.
a. vanishing point
b. center point
c. piercing point
d. station point
3. The point where the horizontal line in the perspective view seems to converge or meet.
a. station point
b. vanishing point
c. center point
d. piercing point
4. The object is placed on the horizon at the eye-level of the observer.
a. bird’s eye view
b. worm’s eye view
c. man’s-eye view
d. orthographic view
5. An oblique drawing in which the depth axis lines are in full size.
a. cabinet oblique
b. cavalier oblique
c. general oblique
d. oblique perspective
6. Iso means equal, metric means _____________.
7. A circle becomes ellipse in ________________.
8. Lines that are not parallel to the three base lines in isometric are
called ____________.
pls help me​