
Let’s Analyze
Directions: Copy and arrange the following steps by putting numbers 1,2,3,4, in
correct order, write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
A. Oval Shape

_____File each side of the nail, slightly curving.
_____ File at the end toward the center of the nail to create an egg-like shape.
_____ Repeat step 3 on other side to keep the nail symmetrical.
_____ Elongate the finger by narrowing the sides and tips of the nails.


B. Stiletto / Pointed Nail shape
______ Find the center of the nail tip and shape both sides by filing into a slight taper toward the nail


______Flip the hand to check that the shape is centered.
______Following the side filed, begin shaping the tip by narrowing the free edge to create a peak.
C.Round Nail
______1. Flip the hand to make sure the roundness is symmetrical and no fraying.
______2. To shape, cut nails to client’s desired length while keeping the final shape in mind.
______3. Using file, follow the natural curve of the fingertip until desired roundness is achieved.