IS IT GOOD TO BE PROUD WHY OR WHY NOT? Cod There was once a King who ruled harshly over the land. One night after he was crowned as king, he thought of himself as the greatest king on earth and in heaven. He often went hunting. One early morning, while in the deep woods, he decided to cool himself in the lake. He proudly swam away from the shore. Suddenly there came from the bottom of the lake someone who had the same face and form as the king. This man quickly put on the King's clothes and rode away with the King's horse. When the proud King finished cooling himself, he found his clothes and his horse already gone. With some woven reeds covering his body, he walked to the castle He beat loudly at the gate, but he was driven away. He went to the duke hall, but he was put to prison. Working hard, he loosened the chains tha bound his feet and fled away. He went to his palace, but no or recognized him. Instead, he was beaten up and was thrown outside th palace The proud King fled away. He wished he was dead. Reaching lake where he had bathed, he cried aloud. He asked for forgiveness. 1.How did the King rule his land? 2.When did he think of himself as the greates king? 3.Where did he go one early morning? 4.How frequent does he go hunting?