
Analyze and evaluate the result of the conducted survey of the researchers. From Grades 11 and 12 informants’ various responses, the problem is being answered which aims to enumerate the teachers’ attitudes that are perceived by the students. Based on the data gathered there are favorable and unfavorable attitudes that the informants perceived as they connected with their teachers. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the activity.

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Table 1 shows the result from the conducted survey regarding the teachers’ attitudes that the fifty-one students of Grades 11 and 12 perceived. Based on the table, 32 out of 51 informants perceived that some of their teachers have long patience, 34 out of 51 respond that their teachers are caring about them, 31 out of 51 informants view their teachers possessing the kind personality, out of 51 informants 40 of them see their teachers as dedicated to teaching, 24 out of 51 respond that their teachers shows enthusiasm, 18 informants respond that some of their teachers are punctual.              However, teachers also have their unfavorable attitude that they need to somehow modify, if possible. As shown in the table, 3 out of 51 informants observed that some of their teachers lack of confidence in teaching, 29 of them perceived some teachers as strict, 2 informants noticed that there is/are teacher/s who are being arrogant, 30 out of 51 perceived some of their teachers having standard level (regardless how low or high it is), there are 6 students out of 51 view their teachers teaching nonchalantly, and out of 51, 4 students observed that some of their teachers are always late in class.              Based on the result, the researchers found the most observable teachers’ positive and negative attitudes that constantly perceived by the students. In favorable attitudes, (78% of the informants respond) dedication to teaching is the most remarkable in the teachers they perceived their teachers as dedicated to what they are doing. Second, the students observed that their teachers are caring to the students (with 67% of the informants’ response) regardless of their way of showing care. Third, 63% of the informants agreed that some of their teachers have long patience attitude and can compromise with the students’ behaviors. Then 61% of  

Procedure 25%         Execution 25% Interpretation 50% 100 %  


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the students affirmed that some of their teachers have kind personality who is considerate in so many ways. There are students who also perceived their teachers as enthusiastic (47% of response) in their fields who show active interest to whatever they are doing. There are students who observed that some of their teachers are punctual (35% agreed), who arrive and do things at expected time.              In teachers’ unfavorable attitudes, the most perceivable attitude is having a set standard level (59%) to the students regardless of how low or high it is. Next is teacher’s acquiring an attitude of being strict (57% agreed). There are some informants who also observed that some of their teachers teach nonchalantly (12%) as some teachers discuss lesson apathetically. Some of the students (8% of the informants) agreed that some of their teachers came late in class. And 6% of the students noticed that some of their teachers are lacking of confidence in teaching. With regards to the variable, informants have their own feeling of emotions that they felt whenever they encounter those attitudes of the teachers. Majority (67%) of the respondents said that they are happy when they see and feel their teachers possessed the positive attitudes.                               This result implies that teachers indeed affect students’ willingness, activeness and motivation in different aspects of life learning. There are informants stated that the mood of the teachers affect the entire class, teachers’ attitude influence the learners’ behavior and performance inside the classroom in front of the educators.                The results give the researchers an idea that the students are aware of the teachers’ attitudes, and its impact to their learning holistically. Nevertheless, based on the result, the teachers of Mariano Suarez High School have favorable attitudes that create productive students as they collaborate with one another, and also unfavorable attitudes that need to minimize for better individuals.
